If I really want to, I could get Kai.
I could charge him.
It's only 380, then shipping. He wouldn't ship until the end of August. So I'd have literally a month and a half to earn the money for him.
...This changes things.
Does anyone else on macs have problems with
GiggleGeek's site? On various pictures when I click on them, the popup script won't activate, and I don't see the popup at all.
If anyone knows why this is, let me know.
And for
This is the home of the "resin person" Mischa. Spelled MisCha, but the pronunciation is the same.
Wouldn't it be nice if *someone* (coughcough) were made of resin? Then he'd be able to be posed, just so, and controlled.
Viva le domme.
Gany out.