we're paralysed, we apologise

Nov 03, 2012 01:13

So! Day one and two of Nano have flashed me by already, with little to no incident. Well, other than the mad dash for words Arthur and I made the second it clocked over to November 1st.

Speaking of November Firsts and their impact on the world, it was also the day of Nanna Molly's funeral. And honestly, the most I can remember from it was struggling my absolute darndest not to fall asleep after what may as well have been the all nighter we pulled in our rush for words.

That, and the food. Oh, the food was excellent!

On the note of more Nano related stuff, I breezed past the first day with a relatively easy 3515 words. It wasn't until late that night (approx. 11pm to be a tad bit more exact) that I realised that I pretty much hated every single word of it and it left me with a kind of strange sinking feeling in my tummy.

Solution? Well, rewrite it, of course! Which I did. Started to do. End of the night I had ~2k words that I was relatively happy with (relative to what I had before) and continued to potter through the rest of the day.

And you know what I actually can't be arsed writing up about the rest of the day because A. it was kind of painful and I have the bruises to show for it and B. my fingers are slowly becoming physically unable to type this out. The fact that I've gotten this far is a miracle in of itself. All you need to know was that If I told you any more, I'd have to kill you.

(And wouldn't that be ambitious of me).

*life post, nanowrimo

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