Off hiatus

Sep 16, 2004 00:45

So, yeah, hi again all!

Believe it or not an update is forthcoming now!

Here's the college life situation so far: The mentor thing has been going GREAT. The kids are actually decent, and I haven't had to defuse any major crises yet! (HALLELUJAH!)

Classes this year will be bearable I think; here's the breakdown:

Spanish 207: More of the language learning, is a good class, and Doctora Gonzalez is really pretty cool. It also the first class of the day on MWF at 10:30 (Sch-wing!)
Asian Heritages: Also not too bad. Kills THREE gen eds which is a godsend for me, and has a really cool prof. We've just finished being confused by Buddhism, and we are now goign into another unit tomorrow (I think).
English 190: You all remember Miss Cleo and the tarot cards, and that whole debacle? You know, she of the "Call me now!" line? I say the same thing about this class except its "Kill me now!" Dr. Spedaliere is a wonderful person, but Oh. My. God. i could fall asleep in that class so easily. And I thought Pfendler was boring. Yeesh. Doing the same thing EVERY F**KING DAY will do that to you.
ITL 102: Javajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajava! That's me on caffeine, like Java get it? OK, bad humor aside this is hands down my favorite class. Dr. Sheers, who's actually a Physics prof, bu the really knows what he's doing) is a great person and an interesting (if quirky) teacher. And best of all, I can actually work through all of the stuff he's given us! (so far...)

Ok then, other events... hmmm..... ah yes.

I am now the Secretary of the Fencing Club, as our former one resigned from the club, so that's been fun. I didn't get on SGA this year, which sucks the big one. I'll rant on this one in person though not here. SAB is off to a good start and that's about it I think.

AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! New Foamy cartoon up!!! Gotta run to see that! for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, and I will catch you all later!
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