Yesterday, at the introductory seminar (to the graduation exam in literature), mr Zasempa surprised us with exam. Or actually, some kind of a 'mock exam' - he asked us three questions, and after 15 minutes asked for answers. He didn't give us marks for this - fortunately enough, because I hadn't studied at all (my achievements for today involved: finishing the text about medieval theatre and about Chaucer. The questions about medieval theatre and about Chaucer are at the beginning of a list of 20 questions, which we're supposed to know answers for at the exam. ==' I'm glad I'm taking the exam in September. It's so good to fail something. * v.v) After I answered, mr Zasempa said he'd give me 'a B at least', so it seems I really possess some supernatural abilities that enable me to pass tests, even if I don't study for them/getting better marks than I deserve now I have to watch out so I don't put too much confidence in my luck; otherwise, things might get pretty bad in September.
Also, a quiz -- -
Free IQ Test I took this test twice, because I closed the page before copying the results (yeah, go me =='). The interesting thing is that the first time, I got 140 %. I blame the high score above for, well, taking a blind, but (this time) correct guesses at almost all of the math questions. xDD (Don't get me wrong. I don't chicken out and go for blind guessing immediately, when confronted with a mathematical problem. I really try. I can even calculate what is the 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/5 of 200 if I think for a while. But the truth is, in general I'm horrible at mathematics, and I honestly can't see any pattern in a sequence like this: 1 - 8 - 27 - ? - 125 - 216, and couldn't tell you what the missing number is if my life depended on it)
* In Poland, if you fail a 'normal' exam, you can't take the graduation one. That is, before you take it - and pass, obviously - for the second time, in September.