things to do

Apr 28, 2008 21:40

Things to do on the internet before I start browsing it randomly and forget why I came here in the first place:

- go to the Silesian Dance Theatre website and look for the information about this year's Modern Dance Festival. About when it's going to take place, most importantly.

- go to my college's website and look for the exact dates of our final exams. All I know right now is that they're going to take place in June. Last year, the Dance Festival started at the end of June, and if this year it's also going to start at this time, and my exams won't be over by then, then my situation is going to become dramatic.
Especially if it turns out Liam Clancy is coming to hold classes (or 'at least' to perform) again. Liam Clancy is a dancer, who not only looks very much like a younger Neil Gaiman (= good: ; I don't have - and can't find on the web - any photos of Clancy himself), but also has an amazing, open, uninhibited, creative, and innovative attitude towards dancing and movement, and is able to hold incredibly cool and completely crazy composition classes. And whom I, needless to say, absolutely adore.

- look for the KPH (Kampania Przeciw Homofobii, Campaign Against Homophobia) website and try to find out whether it's possible to be a member of it and do something for it living in a city where there isn't a section of KPH (because I suck at things like setting up sections of organisations). Or KDT (fundacja Kultura Dla Tolerancji, Culture For Tolerance foundation), at that. And what exactly can you do, if it is. Because yesterday, I came back from the 5th edition of the Culture for Tolerance Festival in Cracow (, and - as each time I take part in a feminist/lgbtq event, I go home full of longing and unsatisfied with my inactive (in the feminist/lgbtq sense) life. xbrat_princessx, with whom, among others, I went to the Festival this year, feels the same way, so we decided to take some measures against this state of affairs.

- go to the Ulica Siostrzana (Sisters Street, a feminist organisation) website and verify the news I heard during the above mentioned festival, that this year, FAL (Feministyczna Akcja Letnia, Feminist Summer Campaign), a camp for feminists and other women interested in the feminism-related issues, is going to happen again. A very cool camp to which I’ve been already twice, so I’m glad it’s been reactivated.

Also, it's Terry Pratchett's birthday today. ;)


So, my finals end on June 27. The dance festival in Bytom starts two days later. Yay for this. Boo for the fact that the Ulica Siostrzana camp starts on July 7 - in the middle of the festival. Fortunately enough, you can buy only one week's participation in the dance workshops, which is something I hoped I wouldn't have to do this year (I did it last year and I didn't like it. Leaving Mr Clancy after just one week left a wound in my heart v.v), but, well, it looks like I will. I missed the coolness that is FAL too much to give it up.
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