How the Other Half Live

Apr 12, 2010 21:18

I woke up in the early hours of yesterday morning mulling over and fretting about my past, present and future financial plight.

Tonight is a pertinent time to post such a blog as its payday and i have a couple of weeks of (very very relative) freedom. I digested and cogitated and (whatever other ghastly Grossman adjective you can think of) the fact that i've never ever "had money", certainly do not currently "have money" and am hugely doubtful that i ever will have. It's a sobering thought.

The only time in my life in which a significant amount of money will enter my life will be upon the death of my father, and surprisingly enough i'm not overly enthusiastic about that moment as inevitable as it is.

Truth is i've never been motivated by money, and please don't regard that as some sort of whimsical pat on the back for myself, it isn't. What motivates me is minimising stress levels.
Match up the scenarios of poor and relaxed or rich and stressed and i'll choose the former with total conviction and startling immediacy.

I was discussing all things financial with a friend of mine today. She was saying that although money doesnt buy love, it certainly helps to hold it together. I was asked if i am ready for marriage (financially), and i had to seriously question if i was. Conclusion - i'm not. I have no savings and live totally on a month to month (payday to payday) basis, ekeing out little pleasures in between those two points in time.

I dont think that women are shallow for wanting financial security from a man, asking for a rich man certainly is, but security is the keyword. Having enough to get yourself out the shit on any given occasion, or being able to afford the holiday/car/decorating bill without too much worry must be an attractive proposition and it concerns me a little that i'm not there, and hand on heart, unlikely to be anytime soon.
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