Apr 20, 2007 22:28
Well, first full week has been safely negotiated. It's already had its ups and downs and i guess that's what things will be like all the time - ups and downs. Early hours of Thursday morning i was questioning my decision to join the force, Thursday evening i was very pleased i had done so.
Dudley Town Centre has the dubious honour of being busy most of the time. Shoplifters, drunks and druggies are going to make up about 90% of my job i reckon and these are the group of ne'erdowells that i'm going to have to learn how to deal with.
I've heard some pretty disturbing stories regarding the force, hence my feelings on Thursday morning but on Thursday me and my buddy assisted in an arrest for 2 shoplifters. That was a buzz. 2 established shoplifters had made off with an MP3 player, me and my buddy followed them, encountered them, found the stolen property and arranged for a PC to come and get them arrested.
I know i still have a lot to learn, particularly in the intricacy of dealing with the different situations that get thrown at you each day. But my buddy (that's the terminology we use for the person we're on duty with) Roger is a good mentor. Knows his stuff and how to handle people and so i'm trying to soak in as much of his wisdom as i can.
But now i have a week in Cornwall to look forward to and can forget the whole policey thing until next Saturday. HURRAH.