[En] Um, I wrote sorta drabbles.

Mar 22, 2009 18:40

Author: me of course
Rating: Uhm... like... G I think...
Warnings: yaoi, fluffiness, now beta'd by merrshaluk :*
Pairing: Hisagi/Kira
Summary/AN: Hisagi's and Kira first kiss. This is a kind of double drabble, but I broke it into two. And hell, I actually wrote a drabble (it's 100 words exactly!), so reviews with constructive criticism are highly appreciated as those are my very first real drabbles!

x-posted everywhere!


Hisagi’s eyes were dark green, Kira could tell from that distance. Never before he was that close to his sempai.

Hisagi smelled soap and spicy fragrance of aftershave. His palms were warm, but rough in touch when they brushed against Kira’s cheek and held his hands tenderly. He smiled a bit more shyly than usual and his words were a dream come true.

If Kira’s heart was racing when Hisagi said that part about being more than just friends, it definitely jumped out of his chest when he pecked him on the lips.

Did anyone say that life wasn’t beautiful?


The kiss started with just a feathery touch of lips on lips. Hisagi’s were softer than expected and pleasantly warm, while Kira could feel his own ones slightly trembling. All his attention was drawn to those lips pressing lightly against his.

Kira closed his eyes, feeling his breath quicken when his sempai’s strong arms embraced him lovingly and his tongue flicked over the blonde’s lips, as if tasting them.

Kira could tell he was blushing wildly when the kiss broke. He lowered his gaze to the ground, feeling a bit dizzy after what was - actually - his very first kissing experience.

That's it. BTW, if someone's interested in Death Note fanfics, do you know any fanfic that deals with that scene in ep. 25 when L is drying and massaging Light's feet? (it was so sweet, aawwww ^^)

pairing: shuu/kira, rating: g, language: english, warning: yaoi, character: kira izuru, character: hisagi shuuhei, anime: bleach, warning: fluff, type: fanfiction

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