Nov 22, 2021 17:08
The moment when you write something that you're really pleased with, only to realise where the inspiration had come from half-way through...
I pouted a little, hurt at the suggestion that I was similarly young and foolish. “It was a nice idea anyway, the thought that I could have the strength of… what was it again?”
“The strength of a beast of the earth, the intelligence of a beast of the air, the cunning of a beast of the water, and the courage of a beast of the fire,” Charoday quoted, finding the relevant passage in the notebook, before closing it firmly and holding it out towards me.
Then later on, I found myself writing this:
Adding my penchant for books and cleverness into the equation and that reduced my appeal even further.
Buggeration! Ah, I'll probably leave them in. They'll be a fun reference.