I'll cook if you do the washing up

Oct 24, 2017 18:59

I've tried a couple of new recipes in the past week so here I am to make you all incredibly jealous of my mad cooking skills yo and wish you lived in my house. I hope you're not too hungry...

Creamy Meatballs and Potatoes

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adventures in cooking, photies

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Comments 22

manue7a October 24 2017, 18:36:08 UTC
I actually don't know what butternut squash tastes like. From the look of it I think it might be something I like.


ganimede October 24 2017, 18:48:21 UTC
I couldn't really tell you what it tasted like because it was full of soy sauce and paprika! Apparently it's sort of like a sweet potato, or like a creamy carrot.


xlovebecomesher October 24 2017, 21:16:04 UTC
Looks delicious!


ganimede October 25 2017, 17:55:27 UTC
It was all really tasty, I don't think I've had that many successes all at once before!


tjoel2 October 24 2017, 23:27:02 UTC
I added onion and pepper too, but yours looks better than mine did!


ganimede October 25 2017, 17:57:09 UTC
It really needed them, just for colour and added texture! I realised afterwards that I'd got cream of tomato soup, rather than just tomato, I wonder if that made a difference. It was certainly very orange in colour!


tjoel2 November 19 2017, 19:32:24 UTC
Yours definitely turned out much more orange than mine did!


spaciireth October 25 2017, 04:17:11 UTC
"Still life with squash"! Heee!

These look amazing, I want to try all of them.


ganimede October 25 2017, 17:58:37 UTC
Doesn't it look like a painting? :)

I recommend the last one if you want something quick and easy, it's really just a case of putting things in a casserole dish and whacking it in the oven.


meathiel October 25 2017, 05:19:41 UTC
I love butternut squash but I'm too lazy to peel it so when I make something with pumpkin I always use hokkaido ... *lol*
The last one sounds like little work ... I may try that one ...


ganimede October 25 2017, 18:02:05 UTC
The recipe from Aldi said that you don't always have to peel butternut squash if it's thin skinned because it's edible. I've never heard of hokkaido. The last one is really quick and easy, put it all in a casserole dish and stick it in the oven! I do recommend adding some chopped pepper and onion though, just for added colour and texture really.


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