Camp NaNo

Mar 16, 2017 19:16

Are any other fellow writer types interested in Camp NaNoWriMo? It's from the same people who do NaNoWriMo and takes place in April, however it's much more relaxed than NaNo is. You can write anything you want with any goal, whether it be words, lines, pages or hours. So you can research, edit, continue something or start something new. As it's a Camp, you get organised into different cabins of up to 20 people who all encourage and support each other through the month. You don't have to join a cabin, you can do it all on your own or you can set up a private cabin with friends.

I haven't written anything since NaNo, I think I was rather burnt out after it, and I really would like to pick it up again. I'm also slightly annoyed with myself that I didn't finish the story I was working on so this would be a good opportunity to do that. I'm thinking of setting myself a target of something like 500 words a day which doesn't sound too overwhelming and also comes to a nice round total of 15,000 words.

I can set up a private cabin if anyone else is interested, so let me know and we can get ready for Camp!

nanowrimo, writing

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