Reading Bingo 2016 - October

Nov 02, 2016 19:42

Belated post because NaNo happened yesterday. I had hoped to get quite a few squares done this month but somehow it didn't quite work out. I spent a bit of time reading Inferno which wasn't exactly on my list as it doesn't get me a square but I wanted to read it before I saw the film. As it turned out, I didn't get to see the film because I was ill and the cinema took it off after just 3 weeks! That's annoying, not just because I missed seeing it but also because I could have read something else that would have got me a square! So just the one this month. I've almost finished the book I'm currently reading and that will get me the Time Travel one. So that's one definite square for next month. Hurrah!

Books read for squares:
A book by a diverse author: Dress To Kill - Eddie Izzard with David Quantick and Steve Double

Other books read:
Inferno - Dan Brown

Currently reading:
Just One Damned Thing After Another (The Chronicles of St Mary's #1) - Jodi Taylor

photies, #1, reading challenge

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