It's a concoction

Aug 24, 2016 18:47

Every so often I get stuck trying to decide what I'm going to make for tea. Tonight was one of those nights. It was going to be chicken something, probably with rice but that was as far as I'd got. While I was looking through the cupboards for inspiration, I came across some spice mixes, including a Chinese 5 spice mix, a fajita mix and Cajun seasoning. I've used the Chinese one before with plum jam to make a sticky sauce but there was only a scraping of jam left so that was out. A further rummage produced some pots of stir-in pasta sauce and that sparked off an idea.

I cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and browned it in a frying pan along with some strips of pepper and onion. I added in a pot of sweet pepper pasta sauce and a dollop of Philadelphia, and stirred it all up. Finally I added some of the fajita spice mix to taste, and served it with some rice. Ta-dah, a recipe of my own making! I am calling it Creamy Mexican Chicken. There's no photo because I was too hungry to faff about taking pictures, but it was very yummy. It's so nice when I can throw something together like that and come up with something successful! I think I might be making that again! :)

adventures in cooking

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