In all known languages, including Welsh

Feb 11, 2016 14:07

Following my attempt to learn Dutch last year, I have been inspired to continue learning a language. I keep seeing job vacancies for German speaking posts so I thought it might be useful to brush up on that. For those who don't know, I lived in Germany when I was a very small person up until I was 12 so I started learning the language quite young. I carried on with it right up to A-Level, but it's been so long since I used it regularly that I've forgotten so much. It's rather embarrassing. I'm using Duolingo which isn't bad but I think it needs supplementing with other learning. I believe Radiolingua's Coffee Break course is a good one so I might try that too. I'm already eyeing up Irish to learn next but I want to get more of a grip on German first.

I know a couple of other people who love learning multiple languages so I started wondering who knows what, and what languages are the most popular among my friends. I'm interested more in the languages people have chosen to learn, not those that were forced upon you at school.

Poll The Parlance Partiality

NB: That's English as a foreign language, not as a native tongue!

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