When in doubt, Lego.

Feb 08, 2016 19:30

It's Mother's Day in a month. March 6 to be exact. A date some of you might recognise as being special for another reason, namely my birthday. And my mother's birthday. There are no words to describe my feelings about that. There are, however, several obscene gestures. Anyway, I was looking for a card and finding nothing even remotely suitable. I thought about making a card instead but couldn't think of a good image until I had a sudden genius idea this morning. I thought I could make something out of Lego. Then I could take a photo of it, print that out and stick it on a card blank. So I spent the afternoon being creative with Lego. Like you do :)

I came up with a couple of different ideas, this is the first one I made:

Click them all to admire properly

I feel it needs a humorous caption though. Something along the lines of 'Mary loved how watching the television kept the kids quiet. Perhaps one day she'd even switch it on.'

I made a couple of other things that aren't quite Mother's Day themed but would possibly still make good cards:

And here is a random photo of me just because. You can see my 'studio' set up behind me, complete with white background because I am super professional.

deviantart, in which nathaniel is arty, photies, lego

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