Baking Day 1 of 2

Dec 16, 2015 20:23

I found a recipe for Christmas Spice Muffins a few days ago so I decided to make them this morning. I seem to make muffins often at this time of year for some reason. Possibly because they make a nice treat for breakfast on Christmas Day morning. They came out quite well although considering they contain pecan nuts, dried cranberries, orange zest and mixed spice, they were a bit lacking in flavour!

Then after tea, I got all the fruit soaking for the Christmas cake which I will be making tomorrow.

That dish contains the zest and juice of 2 oranges, black treacle, dark brown sugar, butter, glacé cherries, rum soaked mixed fruit and a generous handful of chopped almonds. The mixed fruit came courtesy of Aldi and is very nice if rather potent *grin* So now that can soak overnight and tomorrow I get to make the actual cake itself.

It's incredibly late on to be making it; ordinarily it would have been made at the end of October or thereabouts and have spent the past 2 months being fed regularly with whisky. However, now I have to bake with gluten-free flour so the cake only keeps for 6 weeks rather than several months which means I have to make it as late as I possibly can. It's a bit annoying because it ends up a bit of a rush job. It will need marzipanning, icing and decorating as well yet, so I'll have to find some time next week to do that. At least it will be yummy, even if lacking in alcohol... It doesn't get fed at all because there's just no time for it which is a shame. The Christmas cakes my mother used to make were incredibly strong, the smell of whisky would knock your socks off just taking the lid off the Tupperware box!

adventures in baking, photies

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