Free Stuff For Free!

May 05, 2015 19:45

It was Free Comic Book Day on Saturday and I'd been able to find a comic book shop reasonably close by that was participating. I'd had a look at the free comic books on offer and was particularly interested in the Marvel Secret Wars #0 and the Doctor Who Three Doctors. The Marvel comic is a prequel to the Big Secret Wars Event that is starting ( Read more... )

fun stuff in the post, of books and comic books

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psychokitten76 May 7 2015, 08:10:00 UTC
How far away are Liverpool and Manchester?

We only have one comic book store here, but there are plenty in Brisbane (approx 1.5 hours away). Costs a fortune to park in the city in Brisbane though!


ganimede May 7 2015, 21:41:41 UTC
Liverpool is just over an hour to drive and the parking there isn't too bad. I tend to get the train to Manchester because there's just no decent parking there at all so that makes it way more pricey. The main issue is how much it would cost in petrol to get to Liverpool and back, which would definitely work out more than the value of the comic books. Currently petrol in my area is 112p (£1.12) a litre which is pretty expensive. I think that works out at $2.16 in Australian dollars but I don't know if that's considered cheap for petrol there or not!


psychokitten76 May 8 2015, 00:45:46 UTC
That's horribly expensive for petrol! I think here it's around $1.40/L at the moment (Josh usually fills up the car so I don't take much notice!)

We don't have a regular passenger train service from Toowoomba to Brisbane, which is ridiculous really because so many people commute to and from every day.


ganimede May 8 2015, 13:29:24 UTC
Petrol has got ridiculously expensive in the UK over the past few years. Generally things are cheaper here in the north than they are down south so I dread to think what petrol costs down there.

That is a ridiculous. Although are train fares cheap there? A day return to Manchester for me is £12/$23. The main issue is that it's not a direct train, I have to change partway and the train from the village is only once an hour. A lot of people commute to and from Manchester so you'd think it'd be more often.


psychokitten76 May 8 2015, 13:41:11 UTC
I'm not sure about now, but about 4 or 5 years ago it was $30 return. It went to Brisbane twice a week, and returned to Toowoomba twice a week... but not necessarily on the same days!


ganimede May 8 2015, 13:44:02 UTC
That would be a long shopping trip.


psychokitten76 May 8 2015, 13:47:59 UTC
Right?? Haha. There are busses and if you're lucky you can get one for $15, but they take a lot longer.


ganimede May 8 2015, 13:50:12 UTC
It doesn't sound much different from the US, their public transport is appalling. It seems a bit backwards that the smaller country has an excellent public transportation service while the larger ones, Aus and the US, have to rely mostly on cars. Maybe that's why your petrol prices are cheaper!


psychokitten76 May 8 2015, 14:03:12 UTC
Within the capital cities themselves the public transport is generally excellent, and in some regional areas as well. It's getting from city to city that can be tricky, probably because it's such a big country.


ganimede May 8 2015, 14:07:35 UTC
Maybe they just don't want you all wandering off to Brisbane and seeing how much nicer it is there. Isn't that where they all go on Neighbours and are never seen again? ;)


psychokitten76 May 8 2015, 14:09:21 UTC
See, it's silly, because Erinsborough is meant to be near Melbourne, and Melbourne is soooo much nicer than Brisbane - except for the weather, which tends to resemble England *runs away*


ganimede May 8 2015, 14:12:29 UTC
Ohh, so constantly suffering drought and hosepipe bans, you mean? :P Sounds lovely.



psychokitten76 May 8 2015, 14:14:58 UTC


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