Full day

Mar 05, 2015 19:54

I had practically a whole day out shopping yesterday with my mother. There were several different things that we needed to get from various places so we ended up combining them all into one massive trip. Some were slightly less fun than others!

First port of call was B&Q for a new door handle. The one for the bathroom started drooping a while ago and when I took it off, it was apparent that the spring had rusted. I tried giving it several good sprays with WD-40 which seemed to sort it, until it got put back on the door at which point it gave up. So new handle it was. And oh my god, how many different types of door handle can there possibly be?! For some reason the bathroom door has a completely different handle to the other doors upstairs but I couldn't find anything that matched them so it's still going to be the odd one out. As it turned out, I picked up a polished chrome handle while the others are brushed so I had to go back today and swap it. I think I'm going to have fun fitting it because the new handle is slightly bigger than the old one so none of the screw holes are going to match up.

After a couple of other stops it was onto the big retail park waaaayyy over the other side of town to get a new kettle from Argos. We were torn between one that lets you know that the water is still warm enough to stop it being reboiled and therefore save electricity or one that lets you just boil enough for one cup and therefore save electricity. In the end, the latter was out of stock so we got the former. I hope it lives up to the hype!

There was a branch of GAME there, so I was able to take in my copy of Murdered: Soul Suspect that I finished last week as well as a copy of Little Big Planet that I changed my mind about playing. I was offered £6 for the first and £1.50 for the second which is rather disappointing, mainly for the first one because that's still a brand new game! I'd checked the trade-in prices at CEX which offered better prices so I asked if they price-matched which they did. Not only do they match the price, they offer an extra pound on top so rather than the £7.50 I was initially offered, I got £13! It makes me feel kind of bad because CEX offers way better trade-in prices (because they need the stock) but GAME gives way better service (because they're a game shop and the staff are gamers!)

I had a very quick look round Hobbycraft because hobbitblue said they sold the Herbin inks for a VERY reasonable price but I couldn't find them anywhere. They certainly weren't with the stationary but they could have been with the drawing inks and I didn't go upstairs to check the art section because I was hungry. I'd found out recently that a new camping-and-fishing-and-other-outdoors-things shop had opened up and it contained a café that had a large gluten-free menu so my mother wanted to see what it was like. It was actually pretty good, most of the menu had a gluten-free alternative. My mother went for scrambled eggs on toast from the all-day breakfast while I was very much tempted by the traditional chicken soup with dumplings. It wasn't cheap at all, it was almost £5 just for the soup, but the size of the portion more than made up for it. It was huge. HUGE! This photo really doesn't do it justice at all.

It was really tasty though, I was surprised with how tasty it was considering it was just a broth with chicken, carrots and onions. There was so much chicken in it as well, must have been nearly a whole chicken breast fillet. And the dumplings, well, they tasted exactly like matzo balls so I was happy. I was also stuffed which was a shame because the cake selection was quite impressive. Even more so when we found out that a good 75% of the selection was gluten-free. So we each got a slice to take home and had it for tea ;) It was about 3 o'clock by the time we got home, so it was a full day in more ways than one.

mother, eating out, photies, whoops there i go spending money again, geeking about games, in which nathaniel is butch

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