5 questions meme

Jan 18, 2015 15:25

tediousandbrief gave me these five questions to answer. If you would like me to ask you five questions, then just say so in a comment.

1. What places, other than Hawaii, would you really like to go to?
There's actually not that many really. I'd really really like to go to Canada, although other than Toronto, I don't have any other places in mind. I've been lucky enough to see most of the places in the US that I'd hoped to see, I think there's just Hawai'i left there. I'm curious about Portland, OR because I keep hearing that it's such a wacky place but it's not a Must See. Most of the other places are in Europe, namely Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, Iceland and the Netherlands. I've been to Reykjavik Airport but that's as far as I got so I'd definitely like to get out into the city. I've been to the Netherlands a couple of times but never to Amsterdam so that's definitely on my list. I think I've seen most of the places in the UK that I've wanted to visit, although I wouldn't mind going to the Shetland Islands. There's really just the Crown Dependencies left: the Isle of Man (it's daft that I've never been because it's RIGHT THERE), Jersey and Guernsey. Other than Hawai'i, I think most of them are pretty do-able really, provided I had the money!

2. What was the best movie you saw last year?
According to my Annual Review of the Year post, I saw a lot of films last year, and a lot of good films too! I loved both the X-Men: Days of Future Past and Guardians of the Galaxy films and it's hard to pick between them. I think probably Guardians was a bit more enjoyable because it had such a sense of fun all the way through it.

3. What are your favourite classic Doctor Who episodes?
I don't really have any. When I was younger, I didn't watch an awful lot of television, primarily as we only had one English channel. As I got older and got more into science fiction, I realised then how much I'd enjoyed the episodes I'd seen but by then, it had been on hiatus for years. It's never been repeated here so unless I went out and bought all the DVDs, I don't have any way of watching them again.

4. What are your favourite "new Who" episodes?
Well, David Tennant was my favourite Doctor so far so most of my favourite episodes are ones from his time at the helm. I particularly enjoyed The Girl In The Fireplace, The End of Time, Human Nature/Family of Blood, Tooth and Claw, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords, the Shakespeare Code and Turn Left. I haven't particularly enjoyed any of Peter Capaldi's episodes at all and I think the only one of Matt Smith's that I really liked was The Doctor's Wife.

Apparently I particularly enjoy historical themed episodes written by Russell T Davies (he wrote five of my favourites, compared to Moffat's three). Although I preferred Rose to the other companions, the episodes are fairly evenly split between her (three), Martha (three) and Donna (two).

5. What is your favourite form of exercise?
I don't have one. I've yet to find any form of exercise that I actually enjoy.

doctor who, going out and about, quizzes/surveys/memes, films

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