Recommencement Notification

Jun 03, 2014 17:10

I am back! I have returnéd from foreign shores. Did you miss me? ;) I know I was only away a week but I'm sure to have missed lots of interesting things. I'm going to be catching up on LJ asap but if there's anything of extreme importance that I've missed and I need to be made aware of RIGHT NOW, then either comment with details, leave a link to a post, send me an email, release a carrier pigeon, signal with semaphore or just shout very loudly.

Unfortunately I am not the only thing that has returned. I don't know if the flights are to blame but the labyrinthitis, which had totally cleared up before I went away, has come back with a vengeance. It actually started again on Monday so I suffered with it the whole week of my holiday. I'm sure you can imagine how much fun it was to be standing quietly in a museum and suddenly feel like the floor is moving up and down beneath me. The first thing I did this morning - before I'd even unpacked - was to go to the doctor's about it. I've got some different tablets and I was told to take them for two weeks, then stop and see how I feel. If I'm no better, I have to restart the tablets for another two weeks. At that point, if it's still causing my problems I'll have to get a referral to an ENT specialist. Woo.

A post about my holiday will be forthcoming, as will photos when I have gone through all 300 pictures that I took. Seriously, I was away for a week and I took 300 photos? That does explain why my camera was giving me errors about the memory card being full by Thursday...

doctors, nathaniel's world tour, being ill

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