Best way to spend a Bank Holiday

May 05, 2014 19:41

The morning was spent doing a lot of this:

When I'd got fed up of assassining, the afternoon was spent posing in a jungle with my shirt off:

And running around a secret lab in my pants:

Like you do. Rawr. (Clicky for bigger pictures, so you can admire all my muscles *winkwink*)

This post was brought to you courtesy of my new Playstation 3 *bragbrag*. I know, I have a PS3!! Oh my god. I feel like such a gamer now. And even though the PS4 is out, I still feel like I'm right up there with the very latest gaming stuff. When I read the info on the PS3, I was gobsmacked. "This thing plays BluRays?!? Oh hello, new technology!!" :D

photies, geeking about games, technology and other geekery

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