Return of the muse

Oct 04, 2013 13:49

It looks like my rekindled interest in Harry Potter has also revitalised my writing muse. I had thought a few times over the past two years that not only had I not written anything at all, but neither had I felt any need to write anything. Maybe the creative process for graphic design was satisfying that urge, I don't know. Perhaps my brain was so busy coming up with that stuff that plotbunnies were of no interest. Or maybe I was just too tired! Whatever it was, it seems that the period of drought in that respect is over.

I was looking at some HP stuff a few days ago and led a trail of links that took me to an interview with JKR that was done after Deathly Hallows was published where she clears up a load of stuff that happened afterwards. One comment she made instantly made me think 'that would be an awesome fic' and sure enough later on, the plotbunny bit just as I was going to bed and I ended up having to try and capture it on my phone.

Last night I got to thinking about two original stories that I'd come up with quite a few years ago. One of them I'd made a start on writing while the other existed only in my head. And in an IM conversation which I think I've since lost :( I'm finding them both quite intriguing at the moment, possibly because they're a bit of a departure style-wise for me - I'm not sure what I'd class them as, they're both about inanimate objects with malevolent tendencies so supernatural thrillers might fit. It really is nice to be feeling so inspired though, even if I'm also feeling slightly overwhelmed because I want to work on about three different fics at once.

I need a bit of help regarding one of them though. The plot features a software company and initially I had it so that the software is a sort of Trojan and it's stealing people's credit card details but in such a way that the users don't notice. (The latter bit is possibly not likely, I think most people would notice random charges on their credit card statements.) I think that needs reworking so any suggestions from more technologically-minded folks would be a great help. Also I have the police storming the company's building as a result of this to arrest the CEO but I'm not overly sure how likely that is. Anyone know?


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