I rang the doctor's surgery this afternoon to see if they had the results of my blood test. I actually managed to speak to the doctor again about it and she said it had all come back normal. My haemoglobin is good (154, whatever that means) and my white cell count was fine so there's no infection. When I saw her on Monday, she'd asked me if I had any leg pain which would be an indicator for DVT. I hadn't had anything like that at the time so I said no. Of course, now I have! I woke up at stupid o'clock on Thursday morning with a weird leg cramp and it's now left me with a bit of an achy leg on and off. I mentioned that to her and she said that unless it was an actual pain that got worse, it probably wasn't anything to worry about.
So it's looking like the dizzy spells and horrible head pressure is from a viral infection after all. It has eased off a bit since I started taking the tablets and the doctor said that it should be much better in a few days. That will be such a relief. It'll be nice to be able to get out and do stuff again, especially as there's things that I need to get out and do now, such as my car's MOT and looking into getting a new phone contract.
I'll be glad to finish taking the tablets to be honest. They're also to treat schizophrenia and mania, and I'm pretty sure they're the reason why I've had such vivid and bizarre dreams the past few nights. I often have vivid dreams but usually not as often as this. I can't remember Monday night's but Tuesdays featured these weird creatures with fangs and both their fangs and very long skinny legs kept stretching. In last night's, I was an athlete of some description and I was getting a pair of customised shoes in order to do this particular event (which I have a feeling was under water or possibly in space). The event got cancelled and I was then trying to find out if I would still get my special shoes. Obviously even in my sleep, I still have my priorities right!
Oh, and this is what my lovely bruise looks like now: