I thought once I'd got all my FMP done for college, I wouldn't be quite so busy but I've just had a very hectic five days from Thursday to today. And three of them were spent at college. I've spent more time there over those three days than I had in the last week.
I went in on Thursday with my mother and Apple so they could see the end of year show, especially my work on display. Apple hadn't seen any of my stuff at all while my mother had. Although seeing the banner hanging up on display is a lot different to seeing it spread out on the living room floor I would imagine.
Friday was the Achievement Day thing. There was a barbecue at 1pm and then the awards were to be handed out at 2pm. The weather had other ideas with regards to the first and that turned into free burgers in the fec which is not the same thing At All. We also got a goody bag containing a bag of crisps, bottle of water and chocolate bar. It was chaos though because as well as all the students who were leaving, there were taster sessions for next year's prospective students. The 2pm awards were put back to 2.30 and there were to be departmental awards at 2pm so I got told that my presence was required for that. The departmental awards covered graphic design, fashion design, art and design and photography although I was the only person there from my course. Which was a shame when this happened:
Bit embarrassing when it was presented and M told everyone why I deserved it, emphasising how I'd got a distinction for everything and a final D*D*D* grade (which I'm not even counting on until I get my actual result through). Although I did manage not to laugh when she said I'd had a very challenging class to work with.
The main awards were a bit boring. There were too many people and not enough chairs, the speakers at the back didn't work so I couldn't hear what was going on, people were talking over it anyway and I didn't know anyone that won. When it finished, I went looking for D and S so I could say goodbye and thank you to them. D said he hadn't really done anything and that I'd been a pleasure to teach anyway, and S gave me tips on finding a job and set me the challenge of beating the 3 months it took him to find a job after he left uni.
Then today I went back in to take down my stuff from the end of year show and pick up my portfolio. Two other banners had appeared just before the show which left two outstanding: annoying girl and lesser annoying girl (LAG) who was on holiday. LAG's banner wasn't even in a banner form, it was still as 5 individual sheets so one of the lads had offered to put it all together so it could be printed. Then it turned out that one of the files was corrupt so when I went into today I was so amused to see that it had actually been printed with a large gap where that corrupt file should have been. Ha! One other person had gone in today but she just took her banner and portfolio and went home. I took my banner upstairs so I could use the guillotine to cut it down to fit in my portfolio as I don't really have anything suitable at home to do that. I didn't really want to use scissors as it would end up all jaggedy. Besides, there's more room at college to spread the banner out.
I collected the models I'd made for the video game brief at the end of my first year which I'd forgotten about, and I also managed to get the very first brief I'd done for N that I'd been badgering him for for weeks. I'd done some paintings of Chester for it and I wanted to put them in my portfolio. M had managed to find some of it, 4 of the 5 painting and 2 other study sheets. I know I'd not handed in many pages but I'm pretty sure there was more than that! At least I've got the main paintings back. After that, I returned the book stand to the library, said goodbye and thank you to M and L, and that was it. Except that it's kind of not because they still have all the stuff from my FMP as they have to keep hold of it for 6 weeks but then I can pick it up. And then, once I have my results and my FMP work, that will be finally be it.