When I finished the sketch of the Tenth Doctor that I posted the other day, I was pretty pleased with how it had come out. But the more I thought about it, there was something about it that just didn't sit right. It didn't seem to sum up the character very well, I thought it was a bit too simplistic and childlike. I was going to try another sketch with a different style anyway so I hoped that would turn out better. As before, I did one with just flat colours and then a second with shading. I have to say, I think this is pretty damn good.
Tenth Doctor and Tenth Doctor (shaded)
I didn't make up one image like last time so you'll have to click on them both :P
This is obviously a more realistic sketch than the other one which I think helps it look better, but I really like the rough sketchy outline. I think it adds a sort of energy to it. And if there's one thing you can say about the Doctor, it's that he has energy! I definitely think this has come out much better than the previous one so this will be the style I will be using to draw the other Doctors. That's going to be fun! It took me maybe two days in total to do this sketch, so I'm looking at nearly 3 weeks to do the rest :-/ Eep.