My Birthday in Pictures

Mar 13, 2012 13:47

I knew that certain people would demand photos of my Birthday and seeing as I've not done a Day in Pictures type post for a while - a very long while as it turns out - I thought I would combine the two! So you get to see what an enjoyable day I had and the presents I got. And new readers get to know more about me too. Probably way more than they expected to know, unless you're especially interested in the kind of toothpaste I use ;) There's 44 pictures under this cut so be warned if you're looking at this on a phone or if you're still using dial-up, you weird person, you.
As usual, click on any photo for a larger version.

Mmrph, 's that time already? *notice camera prominently on bedside table as a reminder, take bleary-eyed photo of clock*

Okay, I'm up, check the calendar to see what today has in store. Oh yes! It's National Emoticon Day.

Get out clothes, decide to put on one of my favourite t-shirts as befits this special day.
Wish I'd not worn my Abbey Road Doctors t-shirt the day before but this one's good too!

Get washed...

... and shaved. Yes, that is Lush shave cream. It is V Good.

Hurry downstairs for breakfast, open the curtain over the front door and am greeted with this.
At least the banner is on the inside this year.

On my way to the kitchen, I can't help but notice something is different at the table...
I wonder where my mother has been hiding that!

Time to make breakfast! I'd planned a special breakfast so I'd got this all ready the night before for quickness.

Birthday Pancakes! From scratch, naturally.

Yummy pancakes with butter and *proper* maple syrup.

Family tradition dictates that birthday cards are opened at breakfast time while presents are saved till after tea.
That small present turned out to be a badge that says 'birthday boy' - I would have worn it but I didn't want to put holes in my t-shirt ;)
Eagle-eyed readers will notice the TARDIS blue envelope...

It's thirsty work opening cards, I need a coffee.

Cards all opened and coffee drunk so I should clean my teeth.

Make my bed.

Time check! Blimey, it's after 10 already! And foggy apparently.

Decide to play video games. Take photo while waiting for game to start.
It's geek!Nathaniel complete with brainy specs.

Play Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7.

Realise I'm getting hungry and check the time. It's dinner time!

Dinner! Cheese on crusty French stick, a yoghurt (which I didn't actually have) and coffee.
It might be a Starf*cks mug, but it's got Dunkin Donuts coffee in it ;) Mmm, subversive.

Random photo of the flowers Mr & Mrs Nextdoor gave my mother.

*There's a gap here because it was such a nice day and I felt like going out rather than playing more video games (I know, I know). We rapidly got ready and jumped in the car, and I didn't have chance/completely forgot to document any of it*

Lord Street, Southport! Wandering up and down the street, looking at shops.

I have an ice cream! It's jammy dodger flavour from Silcocks Flavours Ice Cream Bar.
It was really yummy too, like vanilla with biscuit pieces and proper jam.

After a stroll through the Marine Gardens where I took several photos of ducks and scenery, it's time to go back to the car.

Time check! It's later than I thought.

Get home just in time to watch The Big Bang Theory on E4.
It's the episode where Sheldon wears an orange t-shirt.

Time for tea. Panfried chicken with potato wedges and peas. And a huge cup of tea, just out of shot.

Birthday cake! It's purple too :D And seriously huge.

Oooo, cake! With jam and cream, and jam and cream!
Seriously though, look at the size of that bottom layer of cake. Wtf?

Hmm, it's 7.17pm. That must mean it's....

... time for presents!!
Top present is a book from Australia but I have no idea who it was actually from because there was no information inside :-/
Doctor Who t-shirt from sullen_hearts
DVDs of The Big Bang Theory series 3 and 4 from my mother and sister
Desktop Patrol Dalek from returntovalinor
and the bottom one was a book of special Birthday greetings from various peoples.

Birthday aftermath!

Almost 8pm. Just time to nip round to my aunt and uncle's house to give them some Birthday cake
as it's far too big for just me and mum to eat.

An hour later and we're back home!

Now I can go through this folder of Special Birthday Greetings properly as I only had a quick glance earlier.

Am rather overwhelmed with what's inside.
Notebook from lilacfaeryboy, DVD from franno, Timegasm!Ten by Big D, card from ftmichael,
Boston Chinatown picture from assiduous1, card and $5 from Little D, photos and note from returntovalinor.

Part #2: Scrapbooky pages from sullen_hearts, card from ticket_to_zen and family,
photo from zedsterthemyuu, poem from hobbitblue, notes from geneticload and polkadotsquared
and comic strip from ftmichael's cousin C.

The Doctor says it's half past 9.

Play some Doctor Who Adventure Games! I'm on Episode 4: Shadow of the Vashta Nerada.
Give up when I've had enough of being killed by a skeleton in a diving suit.

It's getting late as you can see. Time for a hot chocolate, it's Land o Lakes raspberry and chocolate and very tasty it is too.

Read for a bit while I'm having my hot chocolate.
This is quite a good book, I'm rather enjoying it.

Eep! It's half past 11! I told you it was a good book!

Time for bed then. Night night!

my day in pictures, photies, aw moment of the day, i like presents :), birthday

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