
May 20, 2011 21:13

It's Friday night and I'm off on holiday tomorrow! Yes! Off to darkest Wales for a week.

My stuff is all packed and as it's self catering, I'm taking a load of food with me rather than buy it there. (Except for perishables, natch.) So I have enough to feed a rather small army for at least a fortnight. The car is all fueled up and I've written directions to the cottage on a series of post-it notes. And I have my swanky phone with the newly discovered Google Navigation should I get lost halfway up a mountain.

I am taking my laptop but it's going to be mostly for finding places to go and evening entertainment, rather than checking up on LJ and Facebook et al. Although I'll probably glance over my e-mails because, well, it's hard to break that habit, isn't it? So if there's anything important, you can always email me - perhaps with a subject of 'THIS IS IMPORTANT, NATHANIEL' so I can't miss it ;)

I think that's everything. I'm back on Saturday, 28th May, so I'll see you in a week! Be good, and if you can't be good, at least have the decency to tell me all the details.

world tour: wales

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