31 day meme

Jan 09, 2011 21:16

Day 1: Introduce yourself, a recent picture, 15 interesting facts.
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Picture of your home
Day 4: Your parents (f-locked)
Day 5: Your siblings (f-locked)
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Pets
I've had two pets in my life so far. The first was a sky blue budgie called Pepsi - he picked his own name. My sister and I couldn't decide between a couple of names so we wrote them on bits of paper and held them up at the side of the cage. Whichever paper he pecked at would be his name. And he picked Pepsi. He was a very lazy bird, he spent a lot of time sleeping and eating, and hated coming out of his cage. He would eat from my hand and let me stroke his head which is a huge indicator of how safe a bird feels with you. He lived for a little over 10 years which is a really good length of time for a budgie (it's usually 5 - 8 years) and was found one morning at the bottom of his cage. He was buried in the garden and the house was a vastly quieter place without him.

My second pet was a chinchilla who came to live with me and my then-boyfriend Craig. We called him Frederick Bulsara Chinchilla, or Freddie for short, because he had the same teeth as Mr Frederick Bulsara. Although Craig and I co-owned Freddie, I was the one who spent most time playing with him and holding him, and so he preferred me out of the two of us. He liked to sit on my shoulder while I walked around the house and it was like having a very short but incredibly soft and fluffy scarf. Being a rodent, he was inclined to chew on things so we had to be careful when we left him out of the cage. One night we let him out while we had tea and he kept running over to my feet and nibbling on the heels of my shoes! He managed to destroy many books, the bookcase, the bottom of the curtains and the bottom of the settee. He even managed to chew through the cable connecting the printer to the computer. He also loved to sit behind the fridge and chest freezer where the fan was as it was warm there. When Craig and I broke up, Craig kept Freddie because my mother has a strong aversion to rodents and wouldn't let me bring Freddie with me. I can't remember how long it was after I left, somewhere between 6 months to a year, and Craig e-mailed me to say that unfortunately Freddie had died. He had chewed through the cable for the chest freezer and electrocuted himself. It was a horrific way to die and I felt so bad for the poor fluffball. At least he took the chest freezer with him and Craig had to buy a new one!

Me and Freddie in 2001

Day 8: A place you've travelled to
Day 9: A picture of your friends
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favourite TV shows
Day 12: Something you believe in
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture you love
Day 15: Favourite movies
Day 16: Favourite books
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Something you regret
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Picture of yourself
Day 22: Favourite city
Day 23: Dream vacation
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: 10 songs you love
Day 26: Picture of your family
Day 27: Favourite foods
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: Something that inspires you
Day 30: Things you'd like to do in 2011
Day 31: Wrap it up, free-for-all

my family and other animals, craig, photies, month-long meme, quizzes/surveys/memes

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