Jul 22, 2010 14:11
I got an e-mail from John about a fortnight ago asking if I was up for a return visit to the youth group seeing as my last one went down so well. I suggested that this time I could do the four line exercise which is my more usual form of Trans awareness training and he said okay. It was a small group again, about 6 young people, 2 youth workers; only one of the young people had been there the previous time and one of the youth workers was new too but that was good. I didn't have a whiteboard to use or even a flipchart so I had to just do it off the handouts instead. I think that worked all right, I did check afterwards that the handout was helpful and certainly a better way than just giving them all the terms and information and they said it was. After that I go to the more interesting bit which was the bit about me. I quickly went through my discovery and transition before doing Q&A. I tried to not go through it too quickly but I also didn't want to spend ages on it, because I think people take more in when they're involved in the conversation, rather than having information just thrown at them.
Unfortunately, they were a much quieter group than last time. Two of the group have Trans friends, and one said he just asked his friends everything so there wasn't anything he needed to know. In the end, John had to step in and ask some questions for them. The other youth worker didn't ask anything at all for some reason. I did get one interesting question from one of the young people, and that was what did I think about people who start transitioning at a very young age. That's something I've not been asked before so that was good. Maybe next time, I'll have to say that I'll give a gold star to anyone who asks me something I've not been asked before.
The whole thing took under an hour but John said that I was welcome to stay if I wanted so I did, just in case anyone wanted to ask questions or anything later on. They had to sort out a couple of things, one of which was their costumes for Manchester Pride. Another youth worker had arrived during the ten minute break at 8.30, and while there was the discussion about costumes, she asked me if I had any plans for Pride. I actually don't this year. The past two years I was working it but I don't have that job any more so I wouldn't get to be in the parade - I don't know if there's a Trans group walking like there was last year or if they'd even want me to join them. I had intended to go just to watch but I don't have anyone to go with and hadn't made any arrangements yet. The youth worker said I would be more than welcome to walk with them in the parade which was very unexpected but a very nice offer all the same. They don't have many young people wanting to go - most want to see the parade rather than be in it - only 3 young people and 4 workers so maybe they just need extra bodies! Their costumes are going to be black trousers and T-shirt with neon accessories... not really sure how that goes with the theme of Through The Decades but oh well. Pride isn't that far off, I really must see about getting a ticket. I'd completely forgotten because I've been used to having it provided for me! I think I'll only need a day ticket this time, I have no reason to be there for the whole of the Big Weekend.
little trans activist me