The Eleventh Hour

Apr 03, 2010 19:37

So! That's the first episode of the shiny all new Doctor Who. I don't really have any coherent thoughts about it yet other than I really wished that it had been David Tennant doing it and I have to say that I heart the new interior of the TARDIS so so much. Oh, and do I hear the sound of a story arc already??

Anyone else got thoughts on it?

doctor who

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Comments 19

pinguthegreek April 3 2010, 18:39:14 UTC
I loved it so much. He is good !


ganimede April 3 2010, 20:39:40 UTC
He is good. Time will tell if he is to be great though. What did you think about Amy Pond?


lilacfaeryboy April 3 2010, 18:44:30 UTC
I knew you'd have a post up already! I have to say, while I will forever heart David Tennant, I am happy to give this bloke a chance after tonight. I thought he acquitted himself rather well, he has a hell of a lot to live up to!
And most definitely the sound of a story arc...


ganimede April 3 2010, 20:41:37 UTC
Am I that predictable? :-P

I thought he did quite well but it's early days yet so at this point, he'd still be working out what kind of Doctor he is - both actor and character-wise.

I was a bit disappointed that a story arc was brought in so soon and so obviously. Which does make me wonder...


ftmichael April 3 2010, 19:32:10 UTC
The stream kept freezing up - and my contingency plan wound up accessing the same feed, so it didn't help - so while I could follow the story, I missed a lot of the dialogue and stuff. So no coherent thoughts from me either really, other than that I liked what I actually got to see of Matt Smith, but I do still miss David Tennant a lot. I thought I saw echoes of Ten in a couple of specific moments, which I'm not bothered about because he's regenerating and supposed to be somewhat manic and bouncy, and anyway he's still getting a feel for the character and will come into his own as we go. And it was kind of nice because it made it feel like Ten was less far away for a moment here and there. I remember reading somewhere that someone else thought Eleven had some echoes of Tom Baker in him as well, although I think they were watching the filming of a later episode, so maybe we'll see that later ( ... )


ganimede April 3 2010, 20:45:20 UTC
Yes, I thought he was very Tenish which is one reason why it made me want to see Ten in that episode. Obviously, it's early days yet but I wonder if he's going to sit inbetween Nine and Ten in terms of manicness and energy. He is more than a bit of both so far.

The story arc was just something about silence coming.

The new interior was very steampunk I thought. Quite fitting to Eleven with the combination of retro and futuristic. Not sure I liked the new screwdriver though we didn't really get a good shot of it.


ftmichael April 3 2010, 22:02:34 UTC
Just watched it properly thanks to the goodness of someone in doctorwho. He is definitely Tenish, more than I was able to see the first time round. I'd love to see Ten in that episode, you're right. But I quite like Eleven and am still very interested to see where Matt Smith goes with the character. All the 'coming soon' stuff at the end has me all excited now. I have no doubt that D12 will be talking my ear off about it next week, too, which I have zero problem with ( ... )


ganimede April 5 2010, 20:52:06 UTC
I certainly like what we've seen of Eleven so far, although I do have to say that I didn't expect to see quite so much of him so early on ( ... )


momentsmusicaux April 3 2010, 20:23:27 UTC
Really don't like the new theme tune. Those opening chords are dreadful and not in keeping with it at all.

Not much to go on it feels, but I like Matt Smith so far.

And yes, story arc - the silence thing. Reference to the Library?

And Daleks in WWII - wahey!


ganimede April 3 2010, 20:49:46 UTC
You know, I thought exactly the same thing. It was very jarring and somehow the tune seems to get further away from the basic melody each time it's updated.

Didn't think about a reference to the Library but that would be interesting.

I was amused by a shot of what looked like a Dalek in khaki colours or camouflage. That should be a good ep, Dalek ones do seem to be.


momentsmusicaux April 3 2010, 21:28:32 UTC
Hmmm except Manhattan!

The sort of tumbling low melody they added for Ecclestone was a departure, but one that seemed to fit nicely. I was surprised when I first heard it, but not unpleasantly.


ganimede April 3 2010, 22:03:35 UTC
Good point, Manhattan was not quite as good as the other ones have been.

It seems like there's been more versions of the theme since it came back than there was in all the years previous! There's been a new version for every new series, I think. I don't remember it changing that much before.


bbm_got_me_good April 4 2010, 10:10:09 UTC
I love Emilia Pond! :)

The doctor, not so much, Nine is still my very favourite, and this one doesn't do manic and brilliant as well as Nine and Ten.

You're right, they weren't very subtle about the silence thing. And it seems like it's going to be another very troubled doctor, I'd prefer some more light-hearted adventures before they start with the drama :P


ganimede April 5 2010, 20:31:24 UTC
I wasn't sure about Amy, she seemed a bit flat and lacking something. She also seemed to only have one expression and spent the entire episode looking permanently surprised. Shame they changed her name from Amelia to Amy too, Amelia is much nicer.

I think it's too early to tell what Eleven's going to be like. I mean, Ten didn't start off manic at all, he was pretty calm initially. He got more manic as he went on. Kind of like his hair. I must have missed the troubled bit with Eleven though, where was that?

The whole obviousness about the silence thing makes me wonder if it's going to be a red herring or something. It was so blatant and they're generally not.


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