New New Doctor

Apr 03, 2010 17:22

Just one hour to go until the All New series of Doctor Who starts. It seems like it's been so long since there's been a new Doctor! And of course, Matt Smith has some pretty big shoes to fill - well, in my opinion anyway. I'm keeping an open mind though and not judging him on his age or his hair or his lack of being David Tennant. I will admit I found myself warming to him after seeing a recent interview where he described the Doctor as being like an intergalatic Indiana Jones. And then backpedalled to say that Indie was cool too!

Anyway, I am quite excited. I mean, it's Doctor Who after all. It's going to be so different with all the changes and new stuffs but even so, I will be there at 6.20pm with my sofa at the ready. So who else out of you lot is going to be watching it?

doctor who

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