Feeling sociable

Jan 23, 2004 20:41

I spent quite a bit of time on lj today and yes, I know I should have been working but it's Friday which means using the laptop and it's so slow. I make sure I have a browser window minimised so whenever it's searching the database which is about every ten minutes, I can look on the internet for stuff instead. Of course, if I could put MSN on my laptop like I have it on my usual desktop, I'd be able to chat to people while it's faffing. I've been told I can have a new laptop - well, new to me anyway - but it's in Glasgow. Very much a case of 'if you can get it here, you can have it!' Ta for that, Mr Project Manager.

So anyway, I updated my journal this morning and then in the afternoon I was having a look at communities and people's journals. I've added three communities to my list now - transnews which I just had a brief look at, transgender which I didn't really look at and tguk which I've read all of as it's very quiet. I did my introductory post on that the other day and got some great comments from sermoa. That was pretty cool seeing as it took me ages to actually post the damn thing. Like I said to Kate, I had no problem telling her, or Alan, but telling an actual community full of tg people was just too much. It's like it makes it official or something. Bizzare but that's me so hush.

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading sermoa's journal. Well, she took the time to add me and I like to know a bit about the people on my friends list. Anyway she seems nice enough from what I've read.

I'm hungry. I know we have profiteroles in the fridge which are really tempting me but I know also there's an opened tube of s-n-v Pringles which I fancy too. Ooh, decisions. I'll get something to eat, go watch Will & Grace and then either read more journals or chat on Gaydar. But Owl won't be there. Bugger.

glenn, support groups, transition: general, alan, kate, aimee

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