The Resurrection Casket ~ Justin Richards

Aug 19, 2009 12:43

Book 27: 7 August, 2009 to 18 August, 2009

The Resurrection Casket ~ Justin Richards

D’you like pirates? Then this is the book for you! Like stories set in space with spaceships and robots? This is the story for you too! Yes, this story has both pirates and robots in space. And where else would you get that interesting mix but from Doctor Who. This novelisation has the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler stranded on a planet because there’s a zone of negative something or other which renders the TARDIS unusable. But that’s okay because there’s pirates and robots and treasure to find!

Spoiler alert - if you've not read this book and you want to, there are some spoilers in the following review.

I really enjoyed this book, it’s very entertaining and I did like the nice little twist of a usual pirate story by making them space pirates. There’s several twists along the way, some of which I didn’t see coming at all which always makes for a nice change. There were also some very good characters. The Doctor and Rose were well done, Jimm was well written and I loved Kevin. He was brilliant. The idea of a monster who doesn’t like being a monster is not a new thing but it was quite well done here. The bit about what a monster does when he’s not off busy ripping people’s heads off was rather amusing, especially when he’s then apologising for the mess! I did like the twist on the Black Spot thing from more traditional pirate stories to the Black Shadow that resulted in him too. The robots were a bit kind of eh. I mean, they were suitably menacing, but there was very little reason to believe they’d carry out their threats.

I thought there were a lot of loose threads that didn’t get tied up or quite satisfactorily explained, such as McCavity’s wife -did she run off with someone else or not? I got a bit confused about that part. Also what was Dugg writing in his notebook? I also wasn’t really sure what had happened to Glint when it was getting towards the denouement and at one point I thought the human part of Salvo was Glint. Luckily I did manage to figure it out before too long but yay for Slow Rose needing to check with the Doctor that she’d got it right; I think that was put in there primarily to make sure that the reader understood it too. I think the ending was a bit untidy though, it seemed rather disjointed and didn’t really explain things in a good way so it was unfortunate that Slow Rose was needed. But what a brilliant use of the psychic paper though. I had wondered how the Doctor was going to get out of that although I did think it was a bit unlikely that Jimm was able to slip the paper in McCavity’s pocket as well as swipe the medallion in such a short space of time. Bit too much for a ten year old to manage.

All in all, a good book and definitely one of the better ones. Quite engrossing and a good read to boot.

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