Pain in the arse (extended version dance remix)

Jun 23, 2009 20:59

I wanted to document the moment this morning but I didn't feel like tapping out a long post on my phone. It would have taken forever and I didn't have that long. So, hence the little one line post from earlier.

My appointment was at 9.30am and I had two shots: the last of my Sustanon in one side and then the first of the Nebido in the other. The Nebido didn't hurt at all going in but I could feel my nurse's hand shaking as she was trying to push the stuff through the needle and because it was in for such a long time, my hip area was starting to ache something chronic. In comparison, the last Sustanon shot was a breeze and I didn't feel a thing. After my shot I had to do some errands in the village so I think walking round helped ease off the initial ache. It's still quite tender if I lie on that side though which is going to be annoying when I go to bed tonight.

For those of you who aren't aware, Nebido is a longer lasting form of testosterone; it lasts for 12 weeks so there's less injections which means less scar tissue (and therefore less painful injections over time) and also it has less peaks and troughs than Sustanon so it cuts down on things like mood swings. Sustanon is a blend of four different types of testosterone that last four different amounts of time, from 24 hours up to two weeks which is why it's very up and down.

It's actually taken some time to get to this point. Dr Seal said he wanted me to go onto Nebido way back in February to see if it got rid of the mood swings and other undesirable effects from the Sustanon. I thought I'd have to wait ages for my doctor to give me the go-ahead, but actually my nurse saw the letter from Dr Seal first and got the ball rolling otherwise I'd probably still be waiting. Then my nurse went off sick, when she got back I realised I had loads of Sustanon left over so I tried to get rid of some of that and then finally I tried to get the start date right so that the next few shots didn't fall on holidays for either me or my nurse!

I am glad that Nebido is given less frequently, I certainly won't miss the schlep to the doctor's every fortnight, or having to try and schedule the appointments for a convenient time - not easy with the ridiculous opening hours the surgery has. I'm definitely hopeful that it will be better for me; the Sustanon has not been an overly pleasant experience. So, after about 3½ years on that, let's see what Nebido does for me. In the words of the wonderful John Lennon, it can't get no worse.

transition: milestones, transition: physical progress

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