At the pictures

Jun 13, 2009 20:42

I went to see Coraline at the pictures this morning. It's down to just one showing on Saturday and Sunday, which just happens to be at 10.40 in the morning! Luckily I had a voucher from my last visit so I got £1.50 off the price, making it a much more reasonable £5.00. The place was practically deserted, probably on account of it being so early. It was one of the medium sized auditoriums and there ended up being me, some bloke, and a woman with two kids. At least it was quiet, one of the downsides to going to an Saturday morning screening is usually the amount of noisy kids.

It was quite a good film though I'm glad I only saw the 2D version, the 3D one might have been a bit too much. I was amused at how much the dad looked not unlike a long tall version of Neil Gaiman. I did find there to be rather a clash of the Britishness in the original text such as the school uniform with the Americanisms of the cast, director et al. I've not read the book, but there are definite similarities with Alice in Wonderland (the original, not the Disney version) and it reminded me of Roald Dahl as well. I did notice the very Freudian images of birth canals and the dark feminine void queerpup pointed out after he'd seen it. Rather creepy but still enjoyable.

The trailers were all for films aimed at younger kids or family viewing, but the one for Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs looked like it could be a fun film. That's not released till September though and apart from Half-Blood Prince, I don't know if there's any other films coming up that I want to see.


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