
Apr 07, 2009 17:01

I am very annoyed with the BBC. Their Breakfast show thing happened to be on the telly this morning when I was eating my breakfast and they interviewed Russell T Davies about the Doctor Who Easter special. They showed a clip from it and did not give a spoiler warning so now I've got an idea what the damn thing is about when I've been determinedly avoiding all information about the upcoming show. They should know better! I should write a letter of complaint. Even more annoying is the fact that the show is going to be on when I will not be near any way of watching it! It's on on Saturday at 6.45pm and I will be in Cardiff - of all places - with no television. And I'm not taking Pigwidgeon so I can't watch it on iPlayer either.

I really should be making preparations for Cardiff right now, but I don't have enough peanut butter. Yes, it is time to make peanut butter cookies again. Pesach starts on Wednesday night and I can't believe what crappy timing that is. As if it's not bad enough that I've suffered through one conference while keeping kosher for Pesach, I've now got to do it again! On the good side, it finishes next Thursday so I won't have to find k for P foods in Dublin as well. I have to go out tomorrow to return library books and whatnot, so I'll have to get some more peanut butter then.

While we're vaguely on the topic of trips, I might as well add that I've listed a load of books on Amazon Marketplace this morning to raise funds for my next Boston trip. Have a look at my shopfront and maybe buy something? I'm considering selling my copies of Sex Changes and The Drag King Anthology if anyone wants to make an offer. Sex Changes is an ex-library copy and it's not in brilliant condition. The Drag King Anthology cost me £17 and I've never read it! Hmm, I wonder if anyone would be interested in buying a copy of last year's Pride magazine with a four page John Barrowman interview. I found it the other day and was going to throw it out but maybe someone would want it.

What is up with Bookmooch? I've got books I want to list but the site has been down all day for some reason. It's slightly disconcerting, especially as someone mooched a book from me the other day and I need to send it out. *pokes it*

doctor who, travels and the fun thereof, jewish, don't conferences sound impressive?, money making schemes, of books and comic books

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