Belated notification of arrival

Jan 15, 2009 10:35

I know this is several days late, but I've not been able to post anything before now. Michael arrived here safe and sound on Monday, although for several worrying moments, I was beginning to wonder if he was going to be allowed into the country at all. I'm not sure what the problem was, though it seems to have been his youthful looks combined with a four week stay.

The reason why I've not been able to post before now is that we were under the impression that there was internet access included at the B&B, but it turns out that they want us to pay extortionate amounts of money for it. £2.00 for 15 minutes?! WTF? Um, no, I think not. I'm really not impressed by that at all. It specifically says on their website that wifi internet access is included, and that should mean included in the price surely. So not only can we not look for any information about things to do and how to get there, neither can I do any work. My boss will not be pleased. The only way we can get online is to do as we are right now, which is to come to the library and use their connection for a hour.

Anyway, I only have ten minutes left so I'm going to stop now. Michael is here and everything is fine and this was really just a quick post to say that and explain the whole lack of onlineness. Feel free to leave comments of love and gossip and important stuffs that I have to know about. I will get to them eventually!

michael, michael's world tour of england

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