Go for the burn

Sep 02, 2008 22:01

I just got back from yoga class. I did yoga a few years ago, I didn't do it for long though, a couple of months and I can't remember why I stopped going, but I seem to think it was about the same time as I was coming out so that was probably tied up in it somewhere. I'd been thinking about going back for the past year or so but I'd been unable to find a class that wasn't at an inconvenient time until now. It's way across town at the local college there and costs £3 for an hour class which isn't too bad. It was a very small class, there was just half a dozen of us which I think was just a nice figure. It went okay, I'm fairly flexible and always have been which can be both good and bad; the bonus is that I find it easier to do the stretches and positions, but on the other hand, I have to push them further in order to feel any kind of result from them.

The only problem I had was when we did the salute to the sun; the instructor showed us once and then walked us through it again and then talked us through it the third time. She did it fairly rapidly though, and as I've forgotten it completely, it didn't help me have any idea what I was doing. I think I'll have to look online for instructions. Oh, and also at the end when we were doing the meditation bit, she said about saying our oath quietly to ourselves three times, and I just went '... oath?!' I didn't have any time to ask about that as the college was being locked up and we had to hurry out. I'll see how it goes, I suppose. I have to do something.

i don't think i have a tag for this

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