Ask me anything meme

Jul 27, 2008 23:19

I saw this meme on mentalhygiene's journal and wondered what my flist would make of it. I know some of you can come up with really challenging questions. It also seems like a good time for any newbies to ask me something they may have been too reluctant to beforehand. Well, here's your chance!

Ask me anything. Anything. I'll answer it. It can be something ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

pinguthegreek July 27 2008, 22:58:11 UTC
I have the memory of a goldfish for some things, so you may have talked about it before. My question is......

Did you intend for this journal to be just a personal account or did you want to use it to educate people about transgender issues ?


ganimede July 28 2008, 22:11:43 UTC
Originally it started off as a place just for me to be able to work out my own gender issues. When I realised how little information there was out there for FTMs in general and especially UK-based ones, I decided to use it as a resource for them. Since then it's also become an educational tool for allies and others as well. It's all good! :)


pinguthegreek July 28 2008, 22:14:57 UTC
Oh yeah. I mean, there have been documentaries, but nothing beats the chance to get to know someone properly. It's not like in real life you can go around just meeting people to tick off different kinds of person off a list. It's great how you can randomly get to know different people by internet communities.


adam_snake July 28 2008, 00:00:05 UTC
Do you speak anything other than english?
random question i no lol


ganimede July 28 2008, 22:23:02 UTC
I lived in Germany till I was 12 so I have a fairly decent grasp of German although I've lost most of it with not using it for a long time. I've also learnt a bit of French, and some Spanish and Japanese. I'm also learning American Sign Language too!


psychokitten76 July 28 2008, 00:49:11 UTC
What's your usual sleeping position?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Do you need total dark and silence to sleep?
Do you snore?
How many hours sleep do you need?


ganimede July 28 2008, 22:29:37 UTC
That's a lot of questions!

- I usually lie on my back or right side to fall asleep but then I wake up on my front.
- I sleep with two because I'm asthmatic and having more pillows helps my breathing.
- I'm a really light sleeper so the slightest noise will wake me up. I don't need total dark to sleep, but if there's a bright light in the room then it can be distracting and keep me awake.
- No one ever said anything about me snoring until Michael. We've come to the conclusion that when I'm with him, the bed is a little on the small side and so I can't turn onto my front when I'm asleep. It seems that sleeping on my side or back makes me more likely to snore.
- Generally about 7-8 though I can function on less as long as I don't make a habit of it.


psychokitten76 July 28 2008, 22:34:17 UTC
You know, I always loved sleeping (and reading) on my front, but ever since having Josiah, I can't do it anymore! Of course when I was pregnant it was because there was a baby in the way, and just afterwards it was because of my c-section healing. But now when I do it I get bad pain in my hips and lower back. I think pregnancy pushed something out of whack. I should probably go see a chiropractor or physiotherapist about it, because I REALLY miss being able to sleep, read, etc on my belly!


sheppeyescapee July 28 2008, 07:58:45 UTC
ganimede July 28 2008, 22:31:17 UTC
Dream job would be being a successful paid writer. As to where I see myself in 5 years time, I have no idea. I don't know where I'll be next year, never mind in 5 years.


stephiev78 July 30 2008, 08:52:27 UTC
When did you know - and I mean, the absolutely first and epic moment - that Red Dwarf was the funniest show you had ever seen?



ganimede July 30 2008, 15:08:07 UTC
I only came across Red Dwarf by chance in the first place. I was flicking through the channels trying to find something to watch and as there was only four channels at the time, there wasn't a great deal of choice. I turned to BBC2 in time to catch the second half of Timeslides at the point where Lister arrives at his mansion. Now, I'd been a huge fan of Robin of Sherwood which starred Robert Addie as Guy of Gisburne and of course he guest stars in that episode as Gilbert. That was enough to start me watching the episode and that episode was enough to get me watching the rest of the series. And the one after. And the one after that ....

So I suppose somewhere around there would be the moment that made me realise it was the funniest show I'd ever seen. Maybe it was seeing the huge statue of Lister that did it.


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