Hot Topic

Jun 08, 2008 14:46

I have a new addiction and it's all Michael's fault. When he was at work on Thursday, I wanted to take advantage of having the PS2 all to myself and was looking through the games he had. That's when I discovered that he had Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero II and Guitar Hero: Rocks The 80s. He doesn't have a guitar as yet though, just the games, which means having to play with the usual PS2 controllers. I had a go at the 80s one and was doing pretty well on it even if I do say so myself.

Once I started getting fairly decent scores, Michael suggested having a go on multiplayer. He took the guitar section and I did bass. It was ... well, it was like crack. We stayed up till past midnight playing it because we are that hardcore. Even if that was a good two hours later than we usually go to bed which resulted in our finding everything hysterically funny, having silly conversations with Caden on IM and making silly posts/comments on LJ (that was all Michael, by the way; I just stood there offering helpful suggestions.)

I've been playing it every spare moment I can so far because it's just so much fun. I've not had this much fun with PS2 games since Michael introduced me to Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Of course, the main problem is that I don't have access to a PS2 at home, so I'm trying to make the most of it now. At least, that's my excuse. Although.... there is an alternative. Guitar Hero on Tour is coming out for the DS on the 22nd June. It's $50 which works out to £25 so a hell of a lot cheaper than it would be if I bought it in the UK! Actually GAME is going to be selling it for £40 which is ridiculous amounts of money. I love this exchange rate; it makes a brilliant excuse for buying expensive stuffs.

In other news, oh my fucking god is it hot. It's 34°C today, going up to 35° on Monday and Tuesday, and 32° on Wednesday. Then Thursday is going to be a much more acceptable 24°. It's not supposed to be this hot till July! I'm about half a quarter dead from heat. How do people here cope?!

Random question, if I've bought purple hair dye from Hot Topic, does this make me emo?

michael, geeking about games, haircut, stereotypical english post about weather

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