Nickles and dimes

Dec 01, 2005 14:58

I went into the attic this morning because I was looking for something which I wanted to sell on eBay later. I couldn't find it but I found something else instead. It's a money box, a ceramic one shaped like a crow which is inside a locked metal cage. It rattled so there was obviously some money in it and I suddenly remembered exactly what was in it. I brought it downstairs and got the key to open it. Good job I'm so organised, I knew exactly where the key would be. I shook out all the money and was greeted by exactly what I thought I would find: a pile of quarters, nickles, dimes and pennies. There was even a half dollar coin but I don't know if they're still legal tender.

I went to the US when I was at uni as part of an exchange programme about 12 years ago now. When I came back, I realised that I had a lot of loose change which I couldn't convert back into English money as you can only get paper money exchanged. I put it all in this moneybox because there was quite a lot and I couldn't do anything with it, so it just got shoved up in the attic. Over the past couple of years, I've also been putting to one side any US coins that I got by mistake from shops and things (I'm sure other Brits have found this, especially with pennies and five pence pieces because they're very similar). So I put it all together and counted it up. I have the grand total of $3.81. That is certainly going to come in handy in a couple of months time! If anyone else has any US currency they're not going to need, feel free to send it my way!

ebay - it's made of evil

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