(no subject)

Feb 23, 2004 15:23

I'm bored. I'm at work and I'm bored. No change there then. I wish I knew what was going on with the project and my contract but I don't. That annoys me. The temp who is starting his third week with us and is acting like he knows everything about the project and my job is irritating the hell out of me. He's being really patronising to me and the woman I work with. I don't know, must be thinking he's male and therefore superior to either of us thing. HA! So he thinks.

It's been weird in my head today. I blame my haircut. No, seriously! Since I had it done on Saturday I've been able to look in the mirror and really see me so I've been feeling better about that. Now I come to work where people see me as female and it just makes it all feel odd. I'm used to living a double life already but now it's like the two things are overlapping but no one else can see it. Confused? Yeah, that makes two of us. I have to say though, I hate the mirrors in the toilets at work. The one in the bathroom at home makes me look fine, nice and slim. The one at work makes me look chunky. It's obviously an evil mirror.

Still, it's nearly half 3 which means I have an hour and a half left at work and then no work till Wednesday. Tomorrow I've got the day off and I'm going into Manchester to meet Aimee! Whooo hoo as someone once said. We're going to spend the whole day afternoon together there. And she has presents for me! I wonder if she'll want me to open them then and there or wait till my actual birthday. Even better, it's Shrove Tuesday so I might take her to the Dutch Pancake House for tea. It's becoming a bit of a rictual because when I went there with Ali and then again with Kate, we went there for tea before going home! Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

i get paid for this?!, haircut, kate, aimee, ali

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