It's good to be back

Sep 08, 2005 22:29

I'm back! Did you miss me?

I got back home about 10pm last night and I was so tired, all I really did was throw my dirty clothes in the laundry and left the rest till this morning. I spent most of this morning putting the unworn clothes away, unpacking the rest of my things and looking at my mail. I had a letter from the Claybrook Center saying that as Dr Green is unavailable for my original appointment on October 17, it's been rescheduled. I thought they'd put it back a while, but instead they've brought it forward! It's now on October 5 instead so it's a good job I'd not bought train tickets. The problem is that my appointment is less than a month away so all the cheap train tickets will have gone and I'll have to get more expensive ones. I've not had the money back from the last tickets I bought yet, back in April.

I've spent the rest of the day uploading pictures and writing about the events of the last few days. I'm sure you're all dying to read what Jack, Emily and I got up to so here you are.

Friday in which Jack and I attempt to do a proper Shabbat meal
Saturday & Sunday in which there's a festival and a wedding show
Monday in which Jack and I go to Cheltenham
Tueday in which Jack and I meet up with Draco
Wednesday in which we go to Hogwarts.

Now I need to go check up on my flist! I might see about making some new icons to go with the new alterations I made to my layout. *whistles innocently*

jack, nathaniel's world tour, claybrook centre/charing cross, pyscho fuckwit bastard ex

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