eBay, Firefox and LJ... oh my!

May 19, 2005 15:11

Not Having A Good Day.

eBay are having a 5p sale type of day today. Pull out some clothes to sell. Happen to mention it to Mother who happens to mention it to Aunt. Now have extra clothes to sell. Take photos of Mother modelling clothes. Open up Firefox with a tab per item, start to complete listings ready to submit after 8.00pm Thursday (best time to sell apparently).

9.00am: Wake up to find computer has rebooted in the night and all semi-completed listings are gone. Groan and have to start over.

10.00am: Upload pics. Only half are any good.

11.00am: Firefox crashes. Have to restart listings for a second time.

11.30am: Discover photobucket account is nearly full. WTF?? Upload pics to LJ Scrapbook which is being superslow.

12.00am: Lunch

1.00pm: Retake photos.

2.15pm: Finally have all photos taken, cropped and uploaded.

2.30pm: Start listing items for the third (and hopefully final) time.

I now have 15 items to list before 8pm. Will I do it? Will Firefox crash on me again? Watch this space.

5.30pm: Discover have forgotten to take pics for one auction. Comment from Mother: "I don't know, am I undressing for a living?"

mother, ebay - it's made of evil

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