Adventures in shopping

Apr 22, 2005 17:37

I was minding my own business in YfQ last night when Michael suddenly asks if I'm keeping kosher for Passover. It wasn't really something I'd paid any thought to so we ended up having a bit of a discussion about it. The main problem was that as I don't live in a Jewish area, it's a bit tricky getting stuff so I spent quite a long while googling to see where I could go. I found a deli called Let's Fress which sounded promising and it was only 45 minutes away in Whitefields. I printed off directions and a map so that was where I headed off to this morning.

I think I picked a good day for it. It was gorgeous, all warm and sunny so I was plenty warm enough with just my tshirt and jeans. I didn't do too badly finding my way and got to Whitefields about 11. I managed to find somewhere to park and then it was just a case of walking back along the very long street, past lots and lots of shops to try and find the deli. I nearly walked straight past it because it was only tiny and right in the middle of a block. They were very nearly queueing out the door, and I was the only boy in the queue, it was all just women! There wasn't much to choose from really, it was mainly all meat and matzo (now there's a good name for a shop) but I managed to get some matzo meal and chicken broth. I wanted grape juice but they didn't have any to my surprise. As I was waiting at the counter, I noticed a big sign up with their amended opening hours on and at the bottom it said "We wish all our customers a good Yom Tov" and I was pleased because I knew what it meant! I didn't feel quite so much like I was in the wrong place.

I walked back down the road after taking a detour to buy a sandwich which I then ate as I walked. I don't know whether it was because it was nice and sunny or just because I was outside (food tastes better when you eat outdoors) but it was a truly yummy sandwich: turkey and salad on a barmcake. It had egg on it which isn't something you usually get on a sandwich and the bloke serving asked if I wanted salad cream which also made it taste better. Anyway, I got back to my car and then drove back home.

I went off to Sainsburys to get some other bits and pieces, because chicken broth and matzo meal is never going to last me for seven days! I ended up just getting salad stuff and lots of yoghurts and Muller rice. I have one and a half boxes of matzo already and lots of eggs so I can make matzo brie. I don't think I'll do too badly. It was not nice walking through all the aisles full of cakes, cereals, biscuits and all sorts of things that I can't have. Now I have to go and make brownies and haroses. Tonight I am so going to enjoy my usual Friday night pizza and garlic bread.

Edit: Oh, and in light of last night's discussion, this amuses me muchly.

jewish, michael

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