NaNoWriMo: The Summary

Dec 01, 2023 16:07

NaNoWriMo is over! I'm sure you all want to know how I did. Did I manage to write a new 1,000 word story every day for a total of 30,000 words?

Well... not exactly. I completely missed 2 days of writing, one because I wasn't well and the other because my laptop decided it wanted to spend all evening updating. I also had 3 stories that couldn't be confined to just one day so they're quite long. The longest is 3,355 words (and actually not finished!), and the other two are 2,398 and 2,428 words each. I wrote 24 different stories for a total of 31, 519 words. So I met the word target, even if I didn't write as many stories as I hoped.

These are the prompts I worked from, some of which I found online and some of which I got from you lot:

1 - time travel shenanigans
2 - physical
3 - character name: Richard, location: a diner, scenario: a break-up
4 - Flame war (a plotbunny I had a while ago)
5 - second chances
6 - For a week or so you've noticed a stray animal hanging around your home. One day you let it in.
7 - a winter's kiss
8 - Character name: Sydney, location: Tokyo, scenario: outsider
9 - words: lift, vase, bang
10 - Character name: Alex, location: on the telephone, scenario: a mix-up
11 - character name: Penny Doyle, and opening line: 'She stared into the darkness.'
12 - You're haunted by a ghost. That's not the problem. The problem is that this ghost is really, really, really chatty.
13 - a forest where trees are purple and time moves differently
14 - Character name: Haley, location: Mars, scenario: people were lost
15 - the monster under the bed, location: not under the bed! why? how does it feel about it?
16 - opening line: The house dwarfed everything in the street.
17 - The end of monarchy (you choose when, where and why)
18 - Opening line: He didn’t look anything like she expected.
19 - a girl in a forest clearing is being chased by a monster. She's armed with a sword and a few basic spells and is prepared to fight. (another plotbunny I had)
20 - a potion with hard-to-find ingredients
21 - Write a story about a catastrophic attempt to use grandma's famous pumpkin pie recipe for Thanksgiving.
22 - forty
23 - the day it started to rain something other than rain (honey? tree sap? rocks? up to you)
24 - A story about that image you have as your journal background: the mouth with a painted rainbow

I know some of you will be curious to know what I managed to come up with, particularly those of you who gave me prompts. However, I'm hoping to use the stories as entries for writing competitions next year and so I can't post any of them online ☹ That is disappointing as I would love to share them with you and get your feedback. Would any of you be interested in giving me feedback in return for having the stories emailed to you? I'd probably send each story separately so don't worry, you wouldn't get all 24 in one go and be expected to read them all! If you would like to help me out, that would be much appreciated. Just let me know 🙂

nanowrimo, writing

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