Aug 24, 2023 14:40

I have started to upload my old fics to AO3. I've got quite a few to go through and I have to sort all the files out first so it's a slow process. The earlier ones are the worst I think, they've got multiple files and some bits are scribbled on paper so it's a matter of working out which is the final version to upload.

I put the first one on last night and it was surprising how nervous I was about clicking on that 'Post' button. These are all pieces that I've put online in other places so they're not new but I was still anxious about what response it would get. It has been a while since I wrote or posted any fanfic, so maybe that was the reason for it.

I backdated the fic to when I originally posted it on LJ which was 20th August 2003. That way, all my fics will be in the order I wrote and/or posted them. The only problem with doing backdating fics, especially ones from 20 years ago, is that they will show up at the end of any lists that's sorted by date published. The concern is that that probably means that they won't get as many hits as if I put them on with the current date.

I did actually get a comment and kudos on the fic I uploaded last night! It was only about two hours later as well. I was really surprised by that because I was afraid that it would just not get read at all. I always appreciate any comments and kudos that my fics get but that was extra nice, and quite a relief.

If you want to read my stuff, I'm Wolfthorn on AO3 so please feel free to have a look and subscribe! Most of the fanfic I've done is Harry Potter, but there's some Doctor Who stuff to come, and there's already a Rocky Horror Show fanfic on there. It was the first fanfic I ever wrote, and also one of my best, if I do say so myself!


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