Fic: The Man From The Government

Jan 10, 2023 16:30

When I took part in NaNoWriMo last year, my main focus was getting back into the habit of writing regularly. I used to have numerous ideas for stories and seemed to be constantly writing something, most of which got posted on here. My muse seemed to take offence when I did a graphic design course and my creative outlet switched from text to images. I've not really had much in the way of idea or incentive for writing since. I miss it! I miss that driving need to get the words and idea out onto paper (or screen). I didn't really have a plot in mind for NaNo so I decided to work on rewriting or updating some of my older stories. Despite the rules for NaNo saying that it's supposed to be for new pieces! One of the stories I worked on was The Man From The Government which I originally wrote in 2011. I didn't want to change it too much because it got some positive feedback initially, but I tweaked some of it and extended it a little (from 2539 words to 4220!) I've been meaning to post it for ages but haven't got round to it until now. I don't think any of you were around when I originally posted it so I hope you enjoy!

Title: The Man From The Government
Fandom: None
Ship: N/A
Genre: Futuristic Drama
Rating: G
Prompt: None
Word Count: 4220
Author's Notes: A slight reworking of my original piece written in 2011.

Summary: In a future Britain, the Government has brought in a law whereby properties are allocated to families of 3 or more people, in order to reduce housing problems. Mrs Smith is a widow of 12 months when she receives a visit from a Man from the Government.

( The Man From The Government)


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