Aug 27, 2007 21:26
- Get a solid proposal composed to submit to various grants.
- Write up U&G thing for ICA.
- Go to AoIR in Vancouver in October.
- Get caught up on LinkedIn links.
- Take the ENTIRE month of September to stop reading and start writing.
- Get my shit together about Armenian language tutoring.
- TA Comm 88 happily.
- Write papers EARLY so that shit doesn't pile up at the end of the quarter.
- Make a budget for Armenia.
- Go to Mexico for 4 days in December.
- Do a good closet clean out.
- Help out with EAP.
- Have a little bit of fun.
- Exercise.
- Drink less cheap wine and more expensive wine.
- Find a PDF/article organization system.
- Be a good big buddy.
- Look at Facebook/MySpace study with Rob.