Nov 24, 2003 20:50
So we went to the show yesterday. It was so awesome. First of all we completely filled up on Mickey D's. Then we were on line for like a good one hour and 45 min or so. We fornd out that Celine's sister was going to the concert too. Anyway now to the actual show. We decided to just sit at the side the whole show. From past TBS experince we knew that was the best plan and boy were we right. The pit was so freakin' crazy. We had the best sits though and we could stand on the chairs which gave us an even better view. First of all TBS played and awesome, energetic and just amazing show. They have like the best stage presence. It was mezmerizing. The way Adam swings that mic around. Orgasmic. Then the crowd kinda chilled when STD came on (actually a lot of ppl had left[damn TBS Long Islanders]). Although the crowd had chilled we decided to stay on the side lines for STD as well. Well it was just so great. It was so just like chill back, sing along , relaxing. OMG I don't even have words to fully describe how great it was. And guess who we bumped into? Marc! I saw him today at school and we both had like major post show excitement. We're both like hey omg the great....YEAH!!! Then he was telling me his side of the story (i actualy let him tell me lol) then i told him my side. I love post show excitement. Anyway so the show was great and I loved it. Steph, ur birthday was the best! And u got ur iPod. YAY!!!!
Okay now about my day. Well my day was like normal or whtvr until spanish class which was the period right before last period. around like 10 min b4 spanish class ends the guidance counselor came in::::::Now let me give u a little back ground info. Usually when they guuidance counselor comes in a class room she is coming to pick up a studunet to talk to them and usually it is the students who do really bad in school or who are in trouble at the moment::::: So she walks in and is like "May I please get Grace?" You should have seen the shocked look on my face. I'm like huh? So the teacher is just like, "take all ur things becayse class is about to end anyways". So I take my stuff and follow the guidance counselor. Let me just emntion that I have never talked to the lady let alone go into her office. So I'm following her thinking like omg did I get caught for cutting histry so much?, did I do something wrong?, are my grades that bad? So we get to the office and basically to make a long story short my advisor was worried about me beacsue I have been acting very depressed and a little more rebellious lately. So she wants to know what my dignosis is. how great is that. Not only do i get the is "u have been very depressed lately" crap from my parents but now I'm gtting it from teachers. In like 3 days i've had 3 different people have the "I can't give up, the death wasn't my fault, I have to coup, Sorry school is frustating u, Ur a great kid, Just try ur best, speech. I'm really getting sick of this. And then I had to tell the guidance counselor about how Sharon died just a while ago and stuff and I was like getting better with it but then when she got me talking about it I just got upset again. I couldn't cry infront of her so when she took me back to class I went to the bathroom and mia had a free so she was there and I ended up totally breaking down in the bathroom. like major water works. I felt so stupid. i hate crying infront of people. It's so like my shield is down, i can't hide anything now. I'm just glad it was mia. Man I hate all this crap. Whtvr the concert was awesome and that's s,ething good to think about.